Gadgetonomie Guest Blog Post Guidelines

While this blog was launched as much as a venue for me to write what I want about gadgets as a way to build an audience, I still want to publish the best blog posts I can. Also, I want to give others the opportunity to write excellent blog posts. That is why I came up with criteria to define what makes for a good blog post.

Let’s start with the layout for the posts. I want the posts to be clear and to the point, which is why each post should have a one sentence summary near the begnning of the post, and (when applicable) end with Pro/Con bullet points. This way readers will easily grasp the point you want to make, and also leave them with info they can use to make a decision.

I’d also recommend that the body of a post answer the following seven questions.

  1. What problem are you trying to solve? What need are you trying to fill?
  2. What is your chosen solution to the problem/need?
  3. What are the alternatives to your chosen solution?
  4. Compare and contrast the alternatives to your chosen solution.
  5. Did your chosen solution succeed or fail at filling the need or solving the problem?
  6. If it failed, what do you think would work better?
  7. If it succeeded, how can it be improved?

I see an ideal blog post as focusing less on ”Here is X” or  “Here’s how to do X” and more on solving a problem or filling a need. What this means is that rather than writing a product review or a process (how to) post, we should instead ask what problem the product or process solves, and use that to come up with alternate solutions.

Let me give you an example: the Freewrite by Astrohaus. 

The Freewrite is a portable, distraction free writing device. It’s clear what problem the device is intended to solve, so you should ask yourself what else could also solve that problem (EX: Chromebook, iPad plus BT keyboard, Windows tablet plus keyboard cover, Alphasmart Neo, smartphone.)

The reason we should include alternatives is that while the Freewrite may be the ideal solution for some, other people might find the iPad to be more useful. Also, comparing the device to its alternatives makes it easier to show readers the device’s strengths and weaknesses.

Let me give you another example. Over on my home remodeling blog I have a post about Cricket 5G hotspot. That post isn’t bad, but it would have been better if I had gone into further detail on alternatives. For example, I had previously tried a similar product from T-Mobile which was equally unsatisfactory. Also, I had already known about the internet service provided by the local cable company, but passed because I wanted a portable solution.

If you have a question about the guidelines, or would like to discuss an idea for a post, don’t hesitate to contact us.